/att ägna timmar åt ett ögonblick/ 2007. En
serie om åtta broderier, 40x40cm. Ögonblicksbilder på fabriksproducerade
tygbitar från använda påslakan, gardiner, kläder… Genom handens långsamhet
broderas och filtreras det privata minnet på det massproducerade tyget.
Bilderna visades på utställningen These are few of my
favourite things. Från vänster till höger;
Barefooted in the grass, When a child sleeps, Dotted red, My spinning dress,
Flock of Starlings at sunset, House in my dream, Wild Strawberries on a straw,
Appletree in bloom.
/to spend hours in a moment/
2007. A series of eight embroideries, 40x40cm. Snapshots on secondhand fabrics;
quilt covers, curtains, clothes… Private memories filter on the mass-produced
fabric through the slowness of the hand-embroiders. The pictures were shown at
the exhibition These are few of my favourite things. From left to right;
Barefooted in the grass, When a child sleeps, Dotted red, My spinning dress,
Flock of Starlings at sunset, House in my dream, Wild Strawberries on a straw,
Appletree in bloom.